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Digital airport advertising

Full-service digital display advertising

Create smart digital ads at screens across your airport to drive traffic to cafes and shops or generate revenue with third-party ads. PADS4 offers a comprehensive airport digital advertising solution to help you create smart, personal, and targeted ads using data, context-driven display rules, sensors, and scheduling to optimize ad display across arrival and departure halls.

Plus, with fully networked management and everything you need to create, distribute, and manage displays, PADS4 is your full-service digital display advertising software solution.

Truly smart airport advertising

Link 70+ data sources to create truly smart airport advertising for targeted ads. PADS4 links all your databases and sources, ranging from FIDS to IPTV to motion sensors, with context-driven rules to help you automatically choose when and how to display data, or to change ads based on real-world situations.

Easy advertising on any screen

Link every screen in your terminal to a single airport-wide network with central management. PADS4 offers a full range of tools to help you share ads to every screen on your network, from simple landscape or portrait displays to UltraHD video walls.

Schedule relevant ads based on real-time data

Schedule ads in advance, with context-driven rules to keep them relevant. Update and share products and menus based on time of day, update displays based on weather, or change advertising based on inbound flight destination.

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